Sangre de Cristo Catholic Church
Los Lunas, New Mexico
see information below the photos
Sangre de Cristo Catholic Church
Valencia (Los Lunas) New Mexico
Very little information about this church is available so far. A plaque on the exterior wall suggests that it was founded in 1800, but the current building is probably newer. According to an “Official Scenic Historic Marker” in front of the building, Valencia was established in the mid-1600s, abandoned after the Pueblo Revolt of 1680, and re-settled by the Spanish in 1740.
The old Valencia is now part of Los Lunas, which itself is an historic town. Los Lunas is about 10 miles north of Belen on NM SH 47.
The church is obviously an active church. Any information about the building or congregation would be welcome.
Photos: Mike Gross November 2015
Location: 3466 Hwy 47, Los Lunas
coordinates: 34.809744700,-106.699983800